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Augmentin generic equivalent treatment; the treatment is a combination of two or more antihypertensive agents which have a common mechanism of action, namely, the ability to increase both lowering concentration of the blood pressure and its rise. An estimate of the proportion population who are affected by hypertension or hyperlipidaemia can be provided by a combination of three parameters. This ratio could be defined as a ratio of the plasma sodium to potassium ratio: this ratio pharmacy online germany should equal 1.5 or less. This ratio can be calculated in any patient on antihypertensive treatment but has to be calculated on the basis of published data which are considered authoritative. It was the aim of present study to estimate the plasma sodium potassium ratio in a large randomised group of patients at risk diabetes mellitus; in other words, the plasma sodium to potassium ratio in patients with hypertension (normal serum potassium concentration < 3.0 mmol/l) compared with those without hypertension (normal serum potassium concentration ≥ 3.0 mmol/l). RESULTS The study group was enrolled to provide a population representative of the general at risk cardiovascular disease (CVD). This population was chosen because it had a high prevalence of hypertension; the majority, 71% (n=811) were women (the mean age of the participants 54.7) and they constituted 85% of the study group. median age was 60.8 (range 36–77) y. As was anticipated, the mean serum sodium to potassium ratio (mean systolic and mean diastolic blood pressure values in each group) was much higher in the hypertensive group than normal group. The mean ratio in hypertensive group was 3.24; normal individuals, the mean ratio is 2.9. This difference clearly reflected in the distribution of mean ratios in the groups; ratio hypertensive group was much wider than in the normal group (mean ratio 2.85:1.00; P < 0.0001). At the end of treatment period, mean ratio in the hypertensive group was 1.4; in the normal group 2.27 (mean ratio of 0.95:1.00; P < 0.0001) ( ). Open in a separate window Table 1 Measure Normal-Naive Pre-treatment/baseline Ratio Hypertensive Baseline + Post-treatment Normal-Naive Pre-treatment/baseline Ratio Hypertensive Baseline + Post-treatment Hypertension 1.04 [0.62, 1.86] 0.91 [0.36, 2.16] 3.23 [0.94, 6.90] 2.35 [0.91, 7.38] 0.69 Hypertensive 1.32 [0.93, 1.91] 1.03 [0.46, 3.01] 2.99 [0.81, 7.81] 2.13 [0.90, 7.24] 1.00 Hypertensive 2.32 [1.08, 3.13]

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